ISO 14001


ISO 14001, the International Environmental Management Standard

ISO 14001 is an international standard for environmental management systems. The standard offers organisations a framework to measure, control and reduce their ecological impact. It helps companies establish an effective environment management system, aimed at reducing waste, the use of resources and minimising negative environmental effects.

Our goal is to constantly control and improve our environmental performance and reduce our carbon footprint at all our sites. The ISO 14001 certification is recognition of our efforts to create a sustainable environment. It shows that we implemented the necessary processes and procedures to identify and tackle environmental risks and that we comply with legal and regulatory requirements in the field of the environment.

Cost savings for us and for you

Implementing an ISO 14001 environment management system leads to cost-effective operational improvements, such as energy savings, waste management and a reduced use of resources.


ISO 14001 certificate
Are you looking for certified workwear that protects your employees every day?
Do you want your baby textiles to meet the most strict health standards?

We are happy to tell you more about our certificates.