ISO 45001


ISO 45001, the International Standard for Occupational Health and Safety

ISO 45001 is an international standard for occupational health and safety management systems. It offers organisations a framework for establishing and maintaining effective health and safety practices at the workplace.

Safety and the comfort of our employees and their environment have top priority at all our sites. The ISO 45001 certification is recognition of our efforts. It shows that we create a safe and healthy work environment by identifying and controlling occupational health and safety risks. Every day we work on reducing workplace accidents and injuries and increasing employee satisfaction and productivity.

In addition, this certification provides assurances not only to our employees, but also to you, our customer, and all of our suppliers and partners of our ongoing efforts for a safe and healthy work environment.


ISO 45001 certificate


Are you looking for certified workwear that protects your employees every day?
Do you want your baby textiles to meet the most strict health standards?

We are happy to tell you more about our certificates.